As seekers of truth and someone striving to live a conscious life I imagine that more often than not you consider your words before speaking them. You pride yourself on not lying. I will also bet that you think before you take actions and strive to always do what’s right.
This is an honorable, compassionate and accepting way to live and be with others and it builds a strong foundation for cutting Fresh Tracks. What you put out you get back.
How does being honest effect your business?
But how does that apply to your business? How does being honest and acting in integrity affect your business results, including the amount of money you make, the clients you attract, and the overall success of your business?
I believe there are good people, people like you, striving to do what’s right, and there are situations where you are not being in integrity with truth and you don’t realize it.
So I am taking it upon myself to bring it to your attention today.
It’s in the seemingly small details that don’t require too much thought and frankly appear harmless that get you out of integrity and in fact end up with you attracting what you don’t want.
Because the actions are small and seemingly harmless we don’t realize the effect they have on our outcomes.
Let’s start with the internet. You may follow and receive information and free training from e-zines like this from me and other experts you enjoy.
Take a look at the actions you take and how you honor the sacredness of the information you receive and share.
For example, if someone (like me for example) is offering a free training such as a report, webinar, or teleclass I may not charge money for it, but I ask for your contact information in order to receive the information. That is ‘the price’ to receive the information.
Don’t make up a fake name, put zeros in the phone number field, or in any way fake out the system to get the information you want without providing the asked for information.
It’s unethical and dishonest to do so.
Here is the truth about business
It is dishonest to put Darth Vader in the name field and receive my manifesto that I spent two weeks writing. It is dishonest to put ‘I don’t give out my phone number’ in the phone number field and still have access to my live training and coaching that I spent time researching and practicing for days before delivering the material. It is deceitful to make up an address just so the fields are completed so you can look at the copy I wrote and write something similar for yourself.
Many of us justify our actions as harmless, even innocent, because there is no money involved. You may tell yourself you’re not hurting anyone – ‘it’s just a free training’ you say to justify your actions. However, not providing the information requested is in fact stealing.
The price I am charging for my 47 years of training, for the hundreds of thousands of dollars I have spent on my education and my business and personal development, for the time I spent away from my children and my family to be where I am today, the price I am charging for all of this is your name and phone number.
If you don’t provide what I am asking you to ‘pay’ you are stealing. And you definitely are not being impeccable with your word.
There is a book called ‘The Four Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you do now. The first of the Four Agreements is to ‘Be impeccable with your word’.
Being impeccable with your word is quite an undertaking! And for the most part I believe we all strive to be in integrity with ourselves and others and there are simply some things we do that we never thought of as dishonest.
It’s the little things that get us.
And yes, by giving me your phone number there is a chance I will call you and make sure you received the recording and see if you have any questions I can answer. It’s called doing business.
There is a price for the exchange of energy. As your business grows and prospers you will also not give information away for free (even for this e-zine you paid with your email address and first name) and it is a healthy and sacred way to help others and benefit yourself at the same time.
I share this rant with you because I have started unsubscribing all the Charlie Browns that subscribe to my e-zine. And the folks that register for advanced training and give fake phone numbers and addresses – I am not sending you the training.
The truth is I work incredibly hard to raise my vibration and be a source of strength and wisdom for myself, my family and you – my tribe. I fiercely protect who I surround myself with in my day to day life, both physically and socially, and I am now doing the same for my list. My tribe. I am protecting all of us and the energy of our tribe.
Think about this as you do business with others throughout your week and how you expect to be treated as you grow your business and create your own Fresh Tracks. Are you impeccable with your word? Who are you allowing in your space and how you are allowing them to treat you?