Meditation. When I hear this word I think of people sitting immobile for hours at a time, dressed in white. Possibly in India or an ashram. They are not business people with busy family lives, but people with time on their hands and no kids.
What I don’t vision is a busy entrepreneur taking time out of their day to sit for hours on end to experience a Zen state.
Yet, studies show time and again the incredible benefits of achieving mindfulness, which can be done through meditation.
Meditation to grow your business
A study in the journal Psychological Science shows that mindfulness can help us conquer common “blind spots”, which can amplify or diminish our own flaws. Mindfulness can help us see beyond our distorted lenses to recognize the truth.
Another study in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience shows that the benefits of meditation continue on throughout the day. According to the study, mindfulness meditation can help you focus and remain calm because it helps the brain have better control over processing pain and emotions.
What happens when we bring meditation, mindfulness and money together and work towards achieving a common goal?
Mindfulness is a state of being. Observing where you are and bringing your attention to being aware of yourself. Meditation is a common way of being mindful.
Taking even a few minutes each day to slow down your thoughts, stop thinking about the 15 things you need to do before noon, and become conscious of your self-talk can completely change the results in your business. Studies show practicing mindfulness can lead you to be more focused, less stressed, and have a greater ability to prioritize effectively.
The truth is you don’t need to spend hours at a time meditating to create change in your life. This week’s Fresh Tracks interview with May McCarthy teaches us a simple process to being mindful by setting aside a few minutes each morning.
More meditation = more money?
Do you think you might make more money if you were less stressed, more focused and calm, and had a better understanding of your emotions in the moment?
I know when I am mindful I make decisions faster and with more clarity. I am able to be more focused on achieving my goals and not get distracted as easily. All of which ultimately leads to my ability to serve more people and make more money.
Not sure what to do or how to meditate? Join me in a free guided meditation the first of each month and get a taste of what’s possible.