Each of us is experiencing a different reality right now. How we are handling these tumultuous times is probably impacted greatly by our past. What have we not healed? Are these unhealed events exasperating an already stressful situation?
Our Fresh Tracks guest Cyndi Dale dives deep into the energetic effects of trauma and stress on our bodies and discusses why healing deep wounds is imperative to living fully now.
Over the past twenty years that I’ve been a coach and teacher I’ve seen first-hand that in order to create Fresh Tracks most of us have some healing work to do. Something (or several things) from our past is holding us back. After helping hundreds of others through massive growth processes, I see how healing goes hand-in-hand with learning new ways to Be. New ways to grow, to stretch, to more joyfully live life. You simply keep running into invisible barriers when you haven’t healed your past…

Before we step into the new we have to take time to heal the old.
How do you know if past trauma’s or old wounds are holding you back? Here are a few key indicators:
- The results you get don’t match the effort you put into it.
- You feel like there is something going on that you can’t see. You can’t specifically put your finger on it, but you feel like you should know what it is. It’s a feeling.
- Experience confusion or problems focusing
- Have a chronic illness or medical condition
- Reactive or hard to control emotions
Making the most of our time at home right now we can make an effort to include healing, listening and connecting the many aspects of ourselves on all levels…Energetically. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. We can choose this whether it feels like we are coping with circumstances, growing or simply surviving.
As we wrap up 2020, I encourage you to take the time to close out anything that’s open. End the year as energetically complete as you can. That means finishing projects you’ve started and not finished. If there are things you keep saying you are going to do and haven’t made the time to do it yet, now is the time. You’ll know what it is! It could be cleaning out the junk drawer or taking old clothes to goodwill. Making a phone call to someone you keep thinking about but have been avoiding.
Many of us will create new goals or New Year’s Resolutions soon. Before you start on the new, do an energetic clean-up of 2020 as you prepare to jump happily into 2021.
Upcoming New Year’s Resolution Workshop — In this three-hour workshop with Kelly Robbins, MA, we will ensure you start 2021 off with a bang! No pandemic can stop Spirit from working with you to achieve your dreams! We’ll create a spiritual practice to support your Resolutions.