What does it mean to live from grace? Grace is one of those words many of us hear frequently but don’t think about much. It can easily become an esoteric concept that doesn’t apply to everyday life.
Or is it?
We often talk about living “in the flow”. Of allowing things to happen rather than forcing outcomes or results. Of living life with ease and creating next steps from a natural place of effortlessness.
It’s often easier said than done!
I had an unexpected experience of grace recently and was able to marvel at the synchronicity of what happened. My needs were met without effort or forcing anything. I was going to teach a class on grace and thought to myself “what in the world am I going to talk about for three hours on this topic?”. How do I teach grace?
The next day a book showed up at my door on the topic of grace. Hence, our Fresh Tracks podcast this week is the author of this book! This is an example of me bringing something I wanted into my life without worry, effort or stress. This was me living and creating from grace. Grace is a way of being, it’s not something we make or that has a step-by-step formula for achieving.
What it means to “be grace”
First of all, recognize that “grace is”. It is our job to recognize it. It is not something we create or manifest, it is a way of being.
When we live in grace things unfold seamlessly and we don’t need to do anything to make it happen. Living in grace is living in the flow. Living in alignment with the Universe. It’s the book showing up at my doorstep when I ask how I am going to teach a topic.
The Universe itself is orderly and balanced. When we are being graceful we are in alignment with this order and balance. We are in harmony with the natural order of the Universe.
Grace is not something we get. We grow into grace as much as we can embody it. It is an ever-evolving, always changing way of being.
Grace is not something granted by divine inspiration, it is something inside us that we bring out. Without force. Without holding on tightly. Without strings attached.
Grace is.
Having a difficult time seeing the truth for yourself? A Spiritual Coaching Session with Kelly will do just that for you. Schedule one here now.