Most of us would agree that when we are in a good place more gets done. When we are feeling energetic, focused, like what we do matters, and we have an important place in this world, we not only enjoy our life more, but we get better results in what we do.
We know it when we are there and “feeling it”, yet it’s a difficult place to describe. When we aren’t there, we also recognize it and may say things like I need to “get in a better space”, “raise my vibration” or “put my head on straight”.
Have you ever thought about what these statements actually mean and how we do it? This was first described to me clearly by Jerry and Ester Hicks, who channel Abraham. They teach an emotional guidance scale to raise your vibration.
Recognizing where you are at and consciously stretching yourself up to a slightly better feeling vibration, is the blueprint to living a happier, more fulfilled life.
It got me thinking – what IS this “higher vibration” state in the first place? What is this made of?
If you are intentional about exploring and defining how you choose to live your life and playing with different ways to manifest, know that experiencing each of these qualities is not only possible, but can be incorporated into every aspect of your life. I review each of these in chapter one of my book, Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks.
Let’s take a look at the qualities of a high vibrating state:
Love. Love is the energy from which all things, all of life, flows. Love is our life force and is an intense and powerful radiation that can’t be seen but can be felt. It is the core, the essence, of our light.
Power. The author Mastin Kip says that power is “having enough energy to be able to direct your will, your choices and your actions to ring your greatest vision to life.” This is an internal type of power that comes directly Source.
Light (wisdom). The highest vibration of Source is love and it is infinite intelligence. Omniscient and omnipresent. It is the natural blending of these two qualities that makes wisdom. Love and intelligence combined.
Beauty. The externalization of harmony. Beauty is the very structure, the foundation, of all creation. Including you and everything you create. Beauty comes from the actual construction of the thing itself and cannot be added on as an afterthought. Beauty happens in and during creation, not after.
Joy. A soul-level experience that comes from accepting all of our emotions, both positive and negative, and being at peace with them. Joy is what we are when all of our fears, worries, concerns and doubts are gone.
Life. More than the period between when you are born and when you die, life is the nature of all things. Our life force is always innately seeking ways to express in bigger, greater ways.
Abundance. The feeling of knowing that you have more than enough of whatever you want or need. The more you recognize your spiritual nature, the more abundantly you will receive and recognize the various aspects in your life. You do this by knowing that the energy of the Universe, of Source, is infinite and as such, so are you.
Peace. When your inner state “of being “is in control, even when the outer world is not. Not disturbed by what is happening around you and maintaining a sense of calm, quiet, serenity and tranquility. You are then in harmony with life.
Freedom. Living free of fear, tension, anxiety or sorrow. Self-knowledge – freedom from our ego. Not living from a place of believing our thoughts.
Read each of these qualities and see what reactions they bring up in you. Does one bring tears of emotion or a sense of longing? Do you feel lacking in one or more of these qualities? There are exercises in the Trust Your Next Step Workbook that will allow you to take this teaching deeper if you desire.
We often talk about raising our vibration flippantly. Take some time to dig into what it means for you and how to use this information consciously.
Having a difficult time seeing the truth for yourself? A Spiritual Coaching Session with Kelly will do just that for you. Schedule one here now.