Is Self-Expression a Spiritual Endeavor?
Have you ever thought about how fully and freely you express yourself? Do you express yourself more freely in some situations than others? How does self-expression play a role in creating your Fresh Tracks?
Self-expression is a display of your personality. It’s having an awareness of you and your YOUness from within and expressing that in your life. Expressing yourself is how you share yourself with the world.
Authentic self-expression is how people get to know the real you, and it allows you to develop closer relationships with people, be accepted for who you truly are, and ultimately live a life of freedom because you’re clearly being you.
When you are expressing yourself, people see your true personality, your individuality. People can feel your true character and spirit, which is as unique and individual as you are.
We often hear people discussing the importance of authenticity. It’s important to be authentic and just as valuable to express that! Our Fresh Tracks podcast guest this week, Lola Wright, talks about authenticity, self-expression and the important role being you plays in society as a whole.
Self-expression is about more than authenticity. It’s being authentic and not hiding it. Self-expression requires self-esteem and confidence to show and express yourself, no matter who’s around or where you are.
As teenagers grow they often try on different hats on the road to discovering who they are. There is a certain point in early middle school where each of my kids discovered their taste in music. You could see them trying on different genres to see which they preferred, and what response they got from others to each genre. We frequently see people expressing themselves boldly with tattoos and piercings, words, clothing, hairstyle, music.
Be aware there is a fine line between expressing yourself and the “look at me” syndrome, which is based in external validation rather coming from an internal, soulful power.
It can be said that we are always expressing ourselves, even if it’s something we may not want to be expressing, such as lack of power or hiding. The more connected we are with ourselves the more authentic our expression is. By not expressing yourself you are denying the world your beautiful bright light. The song of your soul.
Sharing yourself fully is a spiritual endeavor, offering the world your generosity, authenticity, and pureness of spirit. The world is craving your authenticity and what’s needed of you is to express who you are. Unashamedly. Proudly. Boldly.
I have spent way too many years of my life not feeling confident or comfortable enough to express myself. Feeling like it was more important to fit in and be like everyone else rather than be myself. I conformed rather than expressed.
Are there places in your life where you don’t feel you are safe to express yourself? Are you holding back or doing what you think is the right thing to do rather than expressing yourself?
Simply ask yourself the questions and be aware. Listen. How DO you choose to self-express?
Having a difficult time seeing the truth for yourself? A Spiritual Coaching Session with Kelly will do just that for you. Schedule one here now.